
Dear Friends,

Many of you have met Dr. Chang Park or at least have seen his name outside our practice's door. Dr. Park has been a tremendous addition to our staff since he began working with us in early 2020. Over the last 3 and a half years, I have observed in him the same ideals, passion, compassion, clinical excellence, and dedication that I have sought to embrace throughout my entire professional career. He is a great fit for our office and is someone I envisioned as having "the right stuff" to assume the practice in the future. Well, the future is here. It is my pleasure to inform you that  Dr. Park has purchased the practice which going forward will be known as Park Family Dentistry.

The answer to your first question is, "I am NOT retiring!" It has been my honor and privilege to serve your dental needs over my 39+ years in practice. I am not ready to give that up! I will continue providing patient care as I have been. Over the years, many of our relationships have evolved from doctor/patient to friends. it is humbling how you have embraced and trusted me, the staff, and our practice. I am confident that given the chance, you will feel the same way about Chang. This transition will allow me to focus more on things that I enjoy; providing your dental care, enjoying your company, and a little more time for my personal pursuits now that I no longer oversee the administrative tasks of running a practice.

The answer to your second question is, "consistent care". Change can be difficult and Chang has expressed a strong desire to minimize any changes to how things are done in the practice. There will be very few changes in the staff, office policies, insurances, hours offered with both doctors, and especially the excellent care you have come to expect. Chang and I share similar philosophies concerning dental care which is ideal for patients and staff. We expect this transition to be practically unnoticed by you as you interact with us. If you any questions or concerns I would be happy to discuss them with you. Just call the office, (610) 269-8522 and ask to speak with me. I will do my best to speak with you or return your call in a timely manner.

I look forward to seeing and caring for you and your dental health as we move forward. Thank you again for your dedication, trust and confidence throughout my career and as it continues. Chang and my top goal is to continue to earn these and do even better as your primary dental care providers.


Dave Stocker

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